Punisher gay pride flag

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Howard stabs Quentin and fatally wounds him. Quentin come home to find his furniture moved and Howard throws a knife on the ground, urging Quentin to pick it up, Quentin doesn't since he's confused and Howard does it. With Duka's help, Castle manipulates Howard into believing that Livia Saint and Quentin are having an affair, with Howard oblivious for the fact about his close friend's homosexuality. Through Mickey Duka's spying, it's revealed that Quentin is secretly gay, which only Livia aware of and Frank Castle takes photographs of him kissing another male in an alley in order to help Frank Castle on his revenge. Glass is one of the participants to Puerto Rico to assassinate Frank Castle and his family. Quentin Glass was the right-hand man to Howard Saint, and blackmails Jimmy Weeks into giving up Castle's identity.

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